Sculptra is a cutting-edge, advanced treatment for rejuvenating the face, neck and other areas approved by your provider. It has been widely used in Europe since 1999, and was approved by the FDA in 2004 for treatment of facial fat loss and nasolabial folds.
Sculptra is a filler with the active ingredient of poly-L-lactic acid, a synthetic and biocompatible dermal filler that stimulates your own body to produce lost collagen. It is unlike other fillers that provide immediate results. Since your body is doing the creating, it needs time to do its thing and the results appear gradually.
Using Sculptra means a need for multiple treatment sessions to build up your own natural collagen. The results will last an average of two years!
Some may consider the gradual results a drawback. BUT there are benefits to a slow and steady change in appearance! Your results will emerge with a natural, youthful-looking finish without exposing your secrets! It is decidedly the only treatment available that consistently creates original yet revitalized facial contours without exposing your method of retaining your youthful glow. AND the improvements you experience will be long-lasting. Sculptra may last up to two years under your skin! Most patients will notice changes a few weeks after their injections, although the timing is of course dependent on the individual.
The first thing to understand is that collagen, which sits just below the outer layer of skin, is the true "living layer". Collagen is actually a fibrous protein and takes up the same space with elastin. Collagen is responsible for the structure and support of the outer layer, while elastin is responsible for the elasticity - the "bounce back" effect of the skin.
Over time, and as a result of other external factors such as chemical and sun exposure, the collagen begins to break down and our bodies make less and less of it. This results in sagging skin and wrinkles. THIS is why Sculptra - which generates collagen production - is is a game changer!
Sculptra is a biocompatible and biodegradable injectable implant that contains micro-particles of poly-L-lactic acid, a synthetic polymer from the alpha-hydroxy-acid family. Prior to injection, it is reconstituted with sterile water and lidocaine (a numbing agent). This forms a mixture that is well tolerated by the patient.
Poly-L-lactic acid has been used in surgeries for more than 30 years. This is what is used in absorbable suture material and is used in many plastic surgical procedures. It is also used in bone plates and screws, and is used as a medium for delivering medication. The history proves that Sculptra is safe effective.
Other Dermal Fillers are gel-like injections that add volume to the face. They can fill out wrinkles, soften folds, add contours and definition to specified areas, … they also hydrate your skin, making it more supple. The change can be seen almost immediately.
With SCULPTRA - it stimulates your own body to create more of the natural filler that is already there, and was there in abundance in your youth.
Here is a partial list of Sculptra benefits and what it can do for you:
Although Sculptra is a synthetic-based injection, it stimulates your body to create its own natural collagen. Sculptra has been tested extensively, proven safe and effective for cosmetic use and the FDA approved it to be used to treat volume loss. It utilizes processed poly-L lactic acid. Negative reactions to the product are rare as this is a already a naturally occurring substance in the human body.
Temporary side effects are mild. They may include some swelling or bruising, redness and the injection sight may be tender to the touch.
Moisturise the area being treated prior to arrival.
Avoid Alcohol 4 days prior to procedure.
Take 2000 mg of Vit C and Arnica daily prior to procedure.
You can expect the procedure to take between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on the number of the treatment areas.
It is possible that we may recommend more than one treatment to get the best results.
Every patient's experience may be a bit different. Patients will notice the full effect of their results between three and six months
Sculptra treatments will last up to two years.
As an added bonus, lip fillers are a reversible treatment. By injecting an enzyme called hyaluronidase into the lips, hyaluronic acid in your lips will break down safely within a few short hours.
There isn't any downtime required, as Sculptra is a non-surgical treatment. You can resume your regular routine.
You may be slightly swollen and red at the injection sight for a few hours.
Avoid any strenuous activities for 24 hours.
Refrain from applying pressure to the face.
If possible, sleep upright the first evening following treatment.
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We are a leading provider of BOTOX injections and other neuromodulators, serving Girdwood, Anchorage, Eagle River, Palmer, and Wasilla.
Call now to learn how you can enhance your facial features and brighten your appearance. When our skilled injection specialists perform BOTOX treatments, your results will look fresh and natural.
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