BOTOX Anchorage

Neurotoxin Injection

Rediscover Yesterday's You with BOTOX Anchorage AK

The #1 non-invasive cometic treatment in the industry is BOTOX. This injection is simple. It's an easy way to smooth out wrinkles, whether near your eyes, on your brow or forehead. BOTOX is FDA-approved, safe, relatively painless AND it requires no downtime! This makes it one of the most popular injectables we provide.

Our Med Aesthetics patients find that we provide some of the BEST results in Anchorage

while always placing patient safety as our top priority.

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BOTOX Anchorage

Frown Lines, Crow's Feet and other deep neck and facial wrinkles that form over time are now a thing of the past, thanks to our Anchorage Medical Spa!


  • Brow Lift: The forehead is one of the most popular areas to receive Botox injections. With skilled injection placement, the muscles in the forehead can be relaxed, resulting in a more lifted forehead and brow area. This helps alleviate "surprise" lines.

  • Frown lines: Vertical lines that form between your eyes. The underlying muscle's action of repeatedly frowning or the extended time focusing. Also called Glabellar lines, these include the horizontal lines that appear between the eyebrows. Botox can reduce the appearance of these lines.

  • Crow's feet: Botox can relax the muscles around the eyes which reduces the lines that appear at the corners of your eyes when you smile, squint, or laugh.

  • Bunny lines: These are also known as Transverse Nasal. The wrinkles appear horizontally or diagonally at the top of your nose when you scrunch or wrinkle it.

  • Lip Augmentation: BOTOX is often used in a procedure known as a Lip Flip. The injections are strategically places to make the top lip unfurl, making it appear fuller.

MORE treatment areas for  BOTOX

  • Perioral Lines: Also known as "smoker lines". These are fine vertical lines around the mouth and there appearance is not limited to smokers.

  • Marionette Lines: Do you ask yourself "WHY are my smile lines so deep?"  You aren't alone! These are commonly corrected with Dermal Fillers, but BOTOX can also smooth these lines.

  • Gummy Smile: This is also known as "excessive gingival display". It is a common cosmetic concern that can make people self-conscious about their smiles.

  • Chin Dents or "orange peel chin":  These are due to underlying muscles and can be improved significantly with BOTOX.

  • Vertical Platysma or "Neck Folds": BOTOX improves the appearance of overactive platysmal bands in the neck that create horizontal vertical bands

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Now Even Better

Understanding Two Types of Wrinkles

  • Expression lines, also known as dynamic wrinkles, are grooves created in the skin from repetitive muscle movements. Examples of this are the natural lines that occur when you smile, squint, frown, or scowl. These lines become dynamic wrinkles and become more prominent as we age. 

  • Static wrinkles happen from a loss of collagen and elastin. This happens naturally as we age and affects the skin on the neck, across the cheeks, around the mouth, and the folds of the arms.


Botox in Anchorage is used primarily on the first of these, Dynamic Wrinkles (or expression lines).

What is BOTOX? Why Does BOTOX work on WRINKLES?

BOTOX: a neuromodulator

Botox is a neuromodulator derived from Botulinum Toxin Type A (Clostridium Botulinum) and works by blocking the nerve signals that are responsible for contracting the muscle. This is temporary! 

When this happens, it allows the underlying muscles to relax and lengthen, and then this elongated muscle allows the expression to smooth out.

This diminishes the signs of aging.

BOTOX significantly softens crow’s feet, glabellar lines, and forehead wrinkles. You will appear younger, yes, but it also completely rejuvenates your appearance!

BOTOX for non-cosmetic purposes

BOTOX has been approved for a number of medical uses!

  • Excessive Sweating

When administered under the skin, the BOTOX formula turns off selective sweat glands allowing for more normal amounts of sweat.

  • Plantar Fasciitis

This treatment greatly diminishes foot pain associated with certain medical diagnosis such as plantar fasciitis.

  • Reducing Migraine Headaches

FDA has now approved BOTOX for use with chronic migraines (migraine headaches that occur 15 or more times per month). Treatments involve injecting around pain fibers are involved in the headaches. This has helped countless people to overcome severe migraines!

BOTOX as a Preventative Treatment

Most people think of BOTOX as something for the 40 and up crowd HOWEVER Botox is often used as a preventative treatment! Research has demonstrated Botox among younger adults prevents the onset of dynamic wrinkling! It targets those muscles early in adulthood before those repetitive contractions lead to permanent creases in the skin. 

A study was done following identical twins for 13 years. One twin received regular BOTOX injections in their early 20s and 30s. The other did not. Photos of the twins showed that the twin receiving BOTOX had fewer lines, creases and crows feet than the twin that did not. This study can be found in the Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery. “Long-term treatment with BOTOX can prevent the development of imprinted facial lines that are visible at rest. BOTOX treatment can also reduce crow’s feet.” ³

What is the Procedure Like?

Botox injections are fast and effective, taking anywhere form 15-30 minutes. This makes it a great "lunchtime" procedure for individuals with busy schedules.

Before your injection, your aesthetician can apply a topical numbing cream to mitigate any discomfort. Several injections will be applied through out the treatment area.

Botox Anchorage jelly roll injections

What about Downtime & Side Effects?

What to do after BOTOX

  • Apply a topical Vitamin K Ointment if you get a Botox Bruise
  • Move the injected areas / facial muscles
  • Remain upright for 4 hourse after injection
  • Wash your face as usual apply light makeup (but be gentle)
  • Be patient while you wait for your results (up to 2 wks for full results

What NOT to do after BOTOX

  • Don't take aspirin, ibuprofen, fish oil, or Vitamin E for 24 hours
  • Don't excessively drink alcohol for the next 24 hours
  • Don't RUB or apply PRESSURE to the injected areas
  • Don't engage in strenuous exercise or activities that increase your heart rate significantly or cause excessive sweat.
  • Don't wear a head garment that is tight around your forehead.


Risks and Side Effects

Risks from a BOTOX treatment are very rare.

Some common side effects include minimal bruising at the injection site which will resolve on its own within a few days.

When you arrive for your appointment, you can discuss any concerns or questions you may have with our professional!

more ways to enhance your facial features

Neuromodulator Options at Med Aesthetics

Med Aesthetics not only provides safe and effective BOTOX treatments, but we also offer other Botox alternatives such as Xeomin and Dysport.

For click here on Dermal Fillers to explore other options.


Xeomin is similar to BOTOX but was created specifically to target frown lines. It goes through a unique manufacturing process that creates a purified neurotoxin and does not have the inactive protein as BOTOX does.


Dysport is another natural-looking, fast-acting and long-lasting alternative to BOTOX. Dysport is more diluted than BOTOX, so is often used to treat larger areas. The recovery time is similar to other injectables.

Why Do Millions of People Choose BOTOX Injections?

  • 470 + studies show that BOTOX is safe and effective
  • FDA-approved treatment for lines and wrinkles
  • Look younger instantly!
Botox Anchorage


Botox in Anchorage

Crow's Feet

Dysport Anchorage

Frown Lines

Dysport Anchorage

Neck Folds

New Paragraph

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